Package: pacta.executive.summary

Monika Furdyna

pacta.executive.summary: Creates Plots for the PACTA COP Executive Summary

This package contains plotting functions and a template for generating the executive summary that displays aggregated results of a PACTA COP exercise.

Authors:Monika Furdyna [aut, ctr, cre]

pacta.executive.summary.pdf |pacta.executive.summary.html
pacta.executive.summary/json (API)

# Install 'pacta.executive.summary' in R:
install.packages('pacta.executive.summary', repos = c('', ''))

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4.72 score 2 stars 1 packages 3 scripts 30 exports 68 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:d3be98c55f. Checks:4 OK, 4 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 07 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 07 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 07 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 07 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEFeb 07 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Get the path to the blank template PDFblank_pdf
Lookup valid valueslookup time_horizon_lookup
Sector and technology names mapped from P4I to P4B stylep4i_p4b_sector_technology_mapper
Create a scenario alignment tableplot_alignment_table
Create a diagram of asset class coverageplot_diagram
Create a plot showing scorecard emissionsplot_emissions_scorecard
Create a plot showing exposure to sectors relevant to scorecardplot_exposures_scorecard
Create a bar plot showing exposure to a sectorplot_exposures_survey
Create a bar plot with exposures to fossil fuelsplot_fossil_bars
Create a bar plot with exposures to low and high carbon technologiesplot_green_brown_bars
Create a scatter plot of exposure to low-carbon technology vs. alignment scoreplot_scatter
Create a plot showing aggregated scores for portfolio and peersplot_scores
Create a plot showing aggregated score in scorecardplot_scores_scorecard
Prepare data input for plotting technology alignment tableprep_alignment_table
Prepare data input for climate strategy metrics (engagement) in the scorecardprep_climate_strategy_scorecard_engagement
Prepare data input for climate strategy metrics (initiatives) in the scorecardprep_climate_strategy_scorecard_initiatives
Prepare data input for climate strategy metrics (voting rights) in the scorecardprep_climate_strategy_scorecard_voting
Prepares data inputs needed for rendering the executive summaryprep_data_executive_summary
Prepare data input for plotting exposure chart on the climate score cardprep_exposures_scorecard
Prepare data input for plotting exposure to fossil fuels in survey sectionprep_exposures_survey
Prepare data input for plotting upstream fossil fuel exposureprep_fossil_bars
Prepare data input for plotting green brown bar chartprep_green_brown_bars
Prepare data input for share of net zero committed companies in scorecardprep_net_zero_commitments
Prepare data input for plotting aggregate climate scoresprep_scores
Prepare share of portfolio emissions covered by aggregate score analysisprep_scores_emissions_scorecard
Prepare share of portfolio emissions covered by aggregate score analysisprep_scores_exposure_scorecard
Prepare data input for plotting aggregate climate scores in the scorecard sectionprep_scores_scorecard
Sector level carbon budgets for scenariosremaining_carbon_budgets
Renders executive summaryrender_executive_summary
Scenario names mapped to temperature thresholdsscenario_thresholds
An example output data of 'prep_alignment_table()'toy_data_alignment_table
An example output data of 'prep_diagram()'toy_data_diagram
An example output data of 'prep_emissions_scorecard()'toy_data_emissions_scorecard
An example output data of 'prep_exposures_scorecard()'toy_data_exposures_scorecard
An example output data of 'prep_exposures_survey()'toy_data_exposures_survey
An example output data of 'prep_fossil_bars()'toy_data_fossil_bars
An example output data of 'prep_green_brown_bars()'toy_data_green_brown_bars
An example output data of 'prep_scatter()'toy_data_scatter
An example output data of 'prep_scores()'toy_data_scores
An example input data to 'plot_scores_scorecard_real_estate()'toy_data_scores_scorecard_re